How To Find Keywords With The Google Alphabet Soup Method For Free

Youtube video transcript

The number one question that people always ask me is what is the keyword research tool that I actually use to build my blogs? I actually use the best one out there and it’s so good that they actually turned it into a verb. Hello, YouTube and a very special hello to all my subscribers, my name’s Phil.

And welcome to my channel. This is where I document my journey, building an online income. If that’s something you are trying to do as well, why not subscribe to the channel and give me a so what is that absolutely fantastic keyword tool that I use that’s absolutely free. And is the best one out.

Quite simply, it’s just using Google. Now. This is something that has been known about for many years, but it is one of those things that people think it’s just too simple. There’s gotta be more to it. So I am talking about the Google alphabet suit method, which is literally using the Google auto suggestion to give you queries that you then go and write about.

Now, this is the biggest lesson that I learned building traffic, and it’s quite simple. Write about things that people are searching for. And I can’t believe that for so many years. I didn’t realize this. I. Put two and two together. So what we’re gonna do today is to look at that, how exactly do you go about it?

How do you find those queries that you are then going to write about? So the first thing we’ve gotta do is talk about a niche. In my last video I asked people if they could choose a number between Z one and 300, so a couple people got back to me. So let’s talk about what they chose and what niche we’re gonna be talking about.

So Alex gave me the number 183 and that’s about cutting hair at. But I’m not gonna be talking about that today. Tech stock gave me 164 and that’s all about bulldogs. We’re not gonna be talking about whether either bassy or Basse N gave me 136, which is all about cheerleading. Yay. We’re not gonna talk about that either.

Wild Fox spoke about number 31, which is yacht ma maintenance and tips. Not gonna talk about that one unfortu. Now, the last one I got from Alberto and he chose number 24, which makes a lot of sense because Project 24, that’s what I keep talking about. So 24 is all about a home music studio. So that’s the niche that we’ll be talking about today.

okay. So before we actually start doing any searches on Google, what we need to do is a little bit of background research. So if I was approaching this, first of all, I would make sure that it’s a niche that I was actually interested in. It’s a niche that I’m actually going to participate in, because if you don’t do those things, you will just come across as a novice and someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

So for example, Your maintenance. I’m not even sure if I’m saying that word.  So it wouldn’t be a great niche for me, but a home music studio. I could probably do this website. I play guitar. I have a home. I could probably build a studio in it if I wanted to. So what I would do at this point is actually go and do that background.

I would spend a couple of days and I would go into Facebook groups. I would listen to podcasts. I would binge watch YouTube channels. I might even go and find a couple of shops in town and go and talk to the people there about the things that I can buy, how I could build my own home studio.

So I would go out and do a lot of research and spend several days doing that. But through movie magic, I’m just gonna change my T.

Oh, hi guys. I’ve just been spending the last couple of days researching home music studios. Yeah. Yeah. Seriously. Okay. So now that I’ve done a little bit of research on this niche, we’re going to go into the computer and talk about the Google alphabet suit method. So let’s do it. Okay. I’m here on my computer, Anna.

I dunno if you can hear any noise, but they’re doing a bit of building work upstairs. It’s been happening for weeks, so I’m just gonna have to push through. So I’m sorry for that. So I’ve done my background research. I’ve got familiar with them. If I was doing this for real, I probably wouldn’t pick this niche unless I knew that I was going to pursue it.

And what I would do now is actually I would go into Project 24 and I would go back and I would look over the course.  That’s all to do with search analysis. And I would go back over the video that they have there. That’s all about how to do this because it’s really insightful and they even have an over the shoulder, like one hour special where they show you how to do that.

But for some of you, that’s not gonna be available. I would just do that to refresh my approach to it. But if we go and look at how you actually do the Google alphabet soup. So the first thing is to use a search browser that you are not already signed into. So I use five Fox and I haven’t signed into any of the accounts.

And that way it’s not gonna skew the results for what you’ve searched before, cuz that’s what Google is very good at. The other thing is I’m gonna use a VPN cuz I’m not in, I’m not based in the USA. So this is a VPN service that I use and it’s so it’s got me logged in as if I’m in salt lake.

So is anyone from salt lake second city, if you are saying hi. So I actually use this one. It’s called surf shark VPN. It was a pretty good deal. I thought. So if you are looking for one, I would recommend this. It seems to work fine. Okay. So basically what is the alphabet suit method? What we’re gonna do is to put into a search query.

Something that I know is to do with home music, Stu studios is something called a pop filter. So pop filter. This is for a microphone too. Filter pops, I assume. . So what you would do is you put in your main keyword and then literally what you’re going to do is get Google to auto suggest the rest of the phrase.

So if I just say it, it’s gonna come up with a bunch of searches. We got a pop filter, Amazon pop filter, and mic stand. Okay. Pop filter. A 2020. Pop filter and winds and you get the idea. So you go through and if I use the down arrow, I can go select that and copy it. And then I’m gonna go over to a Google form and I’m just gonna put it in there

so I can wind that up. And then I go back and I’m just gonna go grab another one foam cover. Control a control C and then back over and so on. And so on. Then once I think I’ve got all of the A’s, I’m gonna do the same thing. So pop filter, best buy, pop filter, snowball blue SNA. I dunno. Is that a brand or something?

Maybe I’ll have a look at it. But at this moment, I’m just collecting as many queries as I can, but I’m only gonna collect the ones that I feel could be something people are searching for. If it’s a little bit weird and you can see it’s weird, even as a beginner, then don’t put it on your list.

It’s probably not gonna work out for you. So once I’ve done that, I’m gonna do C D. E F cetera, et cetera. So that’s the alphabet soup method, but you can even go a step further. So what I’ve got is a whole list of words, which I will share with you in the description. And you are basically gonna ask questions.

So if, for example, I said pop filters and. I brought these pop filters worth. It is pop filters, universal what are pop filters for et cetera, cetera. We could also do what pop filters are for pop filters on microphones? Do you think so? You can see it and you can go through and select those ones.

And we put them onto our.

And what we can even do is for example, if we did what asterisks and then pop filters, we can get Google to fill in the blanks as well. What stores sell pop filters, what are good pop filters, et cetera. So maybe I take that one, put it on my.

And so I’ve got a whole list of this. So using all these questions is will, if who, where et cetera. And you can just go through and put that in front of all your keywords and see what comes up. , this is only, I’m only using this for one word pop filter. There are so many different terms within this niche that I could come up with lots and lots of queries to put onto my list.

So remember at this stage, all we’re really trying to do is just to come up with lots and lots of queries, and we’re gonna go through them a little bit later and then select which posts we’re going to choose. This is one way to use it. Just the auto suggested. But if we actually go and search this, for example, so you can see.

Yeah. So I’m from Salt Lake County, Utah. So another thing that we can use is people also ask, so what can I use a pop filter for? What is a pop filter’s purpose? How much is a pop filter? And if you select these, they’ll give you. As you go through them, Google will just keep giving you and more, and you can just highlight these and put them on your list.

So you’ve got all of this here as well, and what’s more at the bottom of the page. You also get these search terms. Now you might not be the best pop filter for blue Yeti. Okay. That could be an interesting one. Just click on that one. So I might take that term and I’ll put it onto my list.  and then again, you can go down these kinds of rabbit holes and see what you find.

And again, you get more people also. So you can do this on the actual Google webpage there, but you can also use other tools like keyword sheeter. So you can use this free website that’s called keyword Make sure you don’t say that wrong. So if I just put in my keyword, let’s say we’ll just go very broad with say home music studio.

So press Chi keyword. Bounce to make a mistake with that at some point. And then we click a start job here and it should just start generating search terms. Now what you can do is you can put them straight onto a list, or you can go back into Google, for example let’s take home music, studio, design ideas.

Let’s see if that comes up. So home studio design. Ideas. So it’s definitely there coming up as an auto suggest. So that means that probably it’s something that we could consider as a key word. And this will go on and on until you stop the sheeting. And you can actually export the data as a CSV file.

So this is quite useful as well for generating ideas. You can also look at another website, which is called answer the And again, if I just put in my keyword there, home music studio, and I did search, okay. So if we go through it, it displays information in different ways, but if you go. Little, but down you got the alphabetical wait, and it’s a quick way to do the alphabet soup method.

So you can go through this, copy them into your list of queries that you are then going to check later on. So this is another way to generate ideas. The only issue here is that it doesn’t really. As many connections as Google does between different search terms, but it’s still a good way to, to come up with ideas.

Another way to come up with ideas is actually to use a keyword research tool. You probably know of Uber suggested by Neil Patel. Now the thing with the keyword search tools is, do not believe the numbers because the numbers are. This is something that we are taught in Project 24, because that’s the empirical evidence that the founders Jim and Ricky have these tools.

And it makes sense, right? The only people that know the real numbers and search volume and that sort of thing are Google, and they don’t share that with anyone. So all the numbers that you see in these keyword search tools, they’re not the right numbers so they can mislead you. But keyword research tools are.

For inspiration. So again, if I put in a home music studio and we’re just gonna see what comes up just to jog our memory, get the juices flowing.

Okay. So basically if we look here all this trend volume, all this. Not worth looking at, we’re just interested in the key words. So for example, if I can see if we can see any more, they will give it to me for free. Let’s have a look ah, home music, studio layouts. Let’s see if that comes up.

Home music studio L yeah. So that’s coming up. What else is interesting. Oh, home mu music studio soundproofing. That could be a whole different kind of section of the website here. Again, let’s just double check if I go S soundproofing. Okay. So it’s there. And that could take me down a whole different rabbit show because it could be for example, If I did, how soundproof, how okay.

How soundproofing works, how soundproof are apartments? Say music studio soundproof. Okay. So at this point, Google’s just trying to suggest. Anything they think comes next. Now this may not be an actual search term that someone puts in. It’s not really completing it. So maybe, I dunno if people are asking how to soundproof, but we can see.

Oh, okay. Here people also ask how do you soundproof a music studio? So that is probably how they’re phrasing it. So again, I’m gonna take that and I’m just gonna put it on my.

So the point I’m trying to make with these keyword research tools is I’m only interested in them from ideas. I don’t care about the numbers they’re telling me because the numbers don’t mean anything. That’s my opinion. The other thing is you don’t have to just rely on Google as a browser. You can use Bing for example.

So music. What is it? Home music studio, and I can do the same thing, a B, and it might come up with different ideas, but always go back and check another really good one is duck go because if I do this so home music studio, a B, C oh. It normally comes up with a few more ideas than are listed in Google, but it’s not doing it for me right now.

okay. So that is how you generate a lot of ideas, but what do you do once you’ve got all these ideas? You can see I’ve got over a hundred different search terms. Now what you want to do is actually go and for each of them, go into Google. And make sure they come up as a dual term. We should know this already, but we’re actually gonna go search them.

We’re gonna read all the articles and based on the results that are coming up, we’re either gonna say yes, we’re gonna write it or no, we’re not. So the reason to actually write an article is when the results coming up don’t actually match up with the query or the user intent. If they’re off topic, that is a gap in the market.

However, if every single article in that site is on topic and they’re answering the question as well as it could be answered. Probably it’s not worth your time to actually go after that. So once you’ve spent a long time, several days coming up with different queries, go and look at them each individually and check what the competition’s just because you found a good keyword doesn’t mean that you have to write it because at this stage of I’m starting this website, I’ve got no chance against the big boys in this sort of market. That’s how you can use Google alphabet soup to your advantage. As some of, we’re doing something called the content warrior challenge in Project 24 this month.

And what I’ve done is actually to set up a separate Google form for anyone watching today. So all we’re doing is trying to write a minimum of 60 words either in post form or video form and. Basically every day, we’re just gonna record how much we’ve done to encourage each other and motivate each other to do even more.

If that’s something that you’d like to participate in, you can still do that. There will be a link in the description that will take you to the signup form. It’s absolutely free. And although you do have to provide an email address, it’s literally, so I can add you to the Google sheet. I’m not gonna try and contact you or send you anything.

Like that. And if you’ve already signed up, I’m sending emails out today, so you get access to that. And also, if you just wanna see how we’re getting on, you can also have a look at the Google sheet and just view up as a spectator. So I’m gonna get back to this because I quite like this, maybe this will be a new site for me.

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