Why Most Bloggers Give Up Too Soon!

Youtube video transcript

Hi, my name’s Phil, the income school student today. I wanna talk to you about SEO traffic, and exactly why we choose this over paid traffic in Project 24. So stick around to find out more. So using good SEO tactics in order to get good organic traffic to your website, rather than relying on pay traffic has its advantages.

Firstly, this is what Google wants us to do. They want us to produce the best content that we can so they can help their users to find the answers that they’re looking for. And it also helps us because we don’t have to spend every minute of every day trying to figure out how to get traffic to our website through paid means we get off the treadmill.

So a post that I published today will take 35 weeks in order to get to about 90% of the traffic that is gonna bring into your website throughout its life on that website. So between now and 35 weeks, I’m pretty much in a ghost town.

Yeah. So it can be the most demotivating thing in the world to spend all this time creating content and have no one ever see it. That’s the way it feels. And I’m very much in this stage with my website that I’ve built using the Project 24 method. So I’m three and a half, four months into the project and I’m not getting a lot of traffic maybe.

Maybe 50 organic page views a month. It’s not a lot. And I’m spending almost all of my time doing this. I’m quite lucky. I’m in this situation where I have a job where I work in the evenings and the rest of the day, I pretty much spend writing or producing videos like this. For me, I spend a lot of time doing it and I think it’s helping.

That ghost town is going to end much more quickly than someone who maybe only writes an hour a day or produces one video a week. And they’re gonna be in the ghost town a lot longer than I am, but we both have the same problem. How do we stay motivated? How do we make sure that we don’t give in too early and how to ensure that we see the success that a lot of other people in the program are seeing?

Particularly Jim and Ricky have seen multiple times using exactly the same system. So the major thing is having realistic expectations. Now this is why Project 24, they give you a timeline. And it’s a month by month timeline. And I find this very useful because you can look at the timeline and it gives you an idea of how much content you should have produced in the time.

How many page views you’re likely to have, a con conservative estimate there. And you compare that to what you’re actually getting with your website and you feel like, okay, fine. I’m on track. It’s. It’s not where I want to be. I want to have a bit more, but okay. I’m not behind and everything’s going, okay.

So this really gives you a focus and yeah. Having real realistic expectations and also breaking down the goals. For example, you may not be getting a hundred thousand views in the first month, but you can track every time you get above, 10, 20, 30 or you can track it by country.

Every time you get to a new country a new user from a different country comes to view your page or even sort of someone from another state. So you can track these mini goals and it just keeps you focused and on task. Another thing that I find and this is coming from someone who has 50, 55 domains registered on my hosting at the moment.

Only one of those websites is bringing any traffic in and that’s the Project 24 website. That I’m building. And again, I’m not gonna release the name of that domain until I know that I’ve got a lot of traffic and I can track its growth organically. So that is basically me every single week.

I have another idea. I bought the domain. I may be installing a word. It doesn’t really get much further than that. Okay. So maybe setting up a website doesn’t take you more than half a day. But if you keep doing that every other day, then you’re just never going to get anywhere. So you’ve really gotta stay focused.

You pick your niche, you build your website and you keep building content for at least 60 days. And then you keep going with that. If you have a good idea, just I have a list of ideas and niches and website names that I’ve kept in a folder on my computer. And I’m not gonna touch those until I’ve finished this one.

So you’ve really got to stay the course because every time you think, oh, this is better, this is a better idea. Maybe I’ve made it. And you give up, that’s just gonna set you back to square one every single time. In fact I am one of those people, because I wanna buy the website from that person, someone who spent all that time doing the 60 steps and then gives up because as soon as they sell it to me, I just have to wait a month and it’s gonna take off.

So it’s really important not to give up too early because most people never find. Because they’re always looking for the next best idea. Now, most entrepreneurs are quite lonely. It’s the nature of the job, unless you are someone like Jim and Ricky who have built a team. There’s not a lot of people around.

I remember the first sort of internet job I had. I was working in a small team in France and there were only four of us to start with. So the two bosses. And then me and my colleague who wrote the content and there’s not a lot of interaction, but if you are working on your own on a website, it’s very easy to lose focus and to become demotivated, even to become depressed.

So you really need to have people around you who can keep you focused. And to be honest, it’s not always the family or the friends because they don’t really understand. My wife she’s very supportive, but I can’t. Tell her about what I’ve been doing that day. She just doesn’t seem to get it. And I remember having a call with my brother a couple weeks ago.

I haven’t spoken to him for maybe a couple months and I pretty much spent the whole time talking about my ideas and how to make money online and things like that. And yeah, he was interested, but. He didn’t really want to know about that, but I found that as a project, 24 member, that I’ve really got this sort of outlet and this source of support through the community, which is part of the course and I’m in there every day and you’re helping each other, getting ideas and, you can tell each other your stories, your worries, and they get it because they’re doing the same thing.

And it’s really hard not to stay motivated. All you have to do is send a message saying, oh, I feel like giving up. I dunno what to do. And you get the answer to your question within 24 hours. Sometimes it’s like immediate is the next second kind of thing. And I dunno of any other course or any other way that you could get that same sort of support from people who know exactly what you’re going through.

So I think that’s incredibly important and I’m really happy. I’ve got that sort of motivation on a daily basis. I think another really important thing that a lot of people forget is that you need some downtime. So most people who are gonna be doing this, cuz you know, you’re trying to replace your current income.

You want to have a better life for yourself. Your. And you’re probably working your fingers to the bone in a normal nine to five job. Maybe even you have two or three jobs. And you’re also trying to build up this second income and hopefully turning it into a passive income source.

That’s a lot, you’ve got work all day. You’ve gotta give enough time to your friends and family, and you’ve also gotta spend a lot of time building content. I found that I, yeah, I work six or seven hours a day on my websites and you just become like a zombie, you’re brain dead and you need downtime.

And I always give myself the weekend. Saturday, Sunday or Sunday was always a day where I’d go to a running group with my wife. And Saturday I haven’t been teaching on Saturdays. So now that’s another day off. If I come back on a Monday, I’m filming this on a Monday and you just feel so much more motivated . If you’ve been working all that time, I think it’s just, I can’t do it.

So don’t feel guilty about taking time off. Just don’t make sure, just make sure that you’re not taking months. A couple of days is good to come back with fresh new ideas, and it’s just gonna be so much better and you’re gonna be more efficient and just produce much better content. That’s I think that’s a really good tip and not a lot of people talk about that.

Another thing I wanna talk about, and it’s one of those annoying things that people say is you’ve just gotta keep faith. I’ve been trying to make money online for a long time and the first two. Just nothing happened. I was working at the same time, not really knowing what I was doing and that first time you make that first dollar or whatever online and then, make another dollar.

And I actually made quite a lot of money in the first year and it was a great feeling. But it was one of those situations when I was on the treadmill. And this is why I’m trying a different approach. But I have no doubt that I’m gonna make money with this website. It’s gonna happen because I’m putting all this effort in and I’m putting it into the right places.

So it’s all about not only focusing, but focusing on the right things and believing in yourself. And yeah, I know that I’m in the ghost town right now and it’s really tough. And you gotta keep myself motivated. But it’s gonna happen. So just have faith in yourself. This is a deal that you’re making with yourself, a promise you’re making to yourself.

And you’ve gotta keep it. You are gonna be successful, but only if you take the right path. So I really recommend that if you have the faith in yourself and you really wanna succeed, that you consider signing up to Project 24 today because. Seriously changed the way I’ve looked at making money, online, building websites and getting organic traffic to my websites.

So I really recommend that. So thanks very much for watching. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel. Give me a comment. If you’ve got any questions about my journey, hopefully I can help you with your journey. So thanks very much watching and I will see you next time.

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