Youtube video transcript
Hello, YouTube and a special hello to all my subscribers. My name’s Phil I’m the income school student in case you’re watching for the first time, I am an actual real life at the moment student in Project 24, which is the course that was set up by Jim harm and Ricky Kesler over at So today I wanna talk about the main topic.
Core course within their program, which is called these 60 steps to a successful site. This is basically everything that they talk about in the YouTube channel that they have, but extra stuff that’s really gonna help you make a successful site or at least to get that seed into the ground and then build on your success.
And that’s everything that is in the. The whole point of the 60 steps is to help you get your foot in the door, into internet marketing, and actually do it in a successful way. So that’s what we’re gonna be talking about today. But if you stay until the end, I’m gonna reveal some exciting news from within Project 24 that you may not have heard about.
So make sure you watch until the very end. Video. So let’s talk about this course and exactly what you’re gonna get out of it. Okay. So I just want to prove that I am actually a current Project 24 student. So I’m just gonna log into my account here. Okay. So I’ve got the list of all the different courses that I have enrolled in.
You can see that as. And I’ve completed others. I haven’t, because basically in my journey right now I don’t need to do it. I’m gonna do it when I get to that stage. And that’s the great thing about Project 24. There’s something for every single step of the process. That’s why I just love this course.
Okay. So we’re here in the, on the dashboard for Project 24 and you can see how many different courses we get. It’s just amazing. So we’re looking at these 60 steps to a successful site. That’s what we’re talking about to date. So the thing is I can’t actually show you what’s aside. I can’t physically show you what to do because Basically, it’s not my information.
The thing is I did previously have a video where I did show everything inside and Ricky actually contacted me personally and said, Hey, Phil you can’t do that. It’s gonna hurt our brand. And he was absolutely right. It was cheaper to do it. So I took that video down straight.
So now I’m telling you the same information, but I’m not gonna show you what’s inside. Okay. The only thing I’m gonna show you is just this first screen here. This is the first step, and you can see that each step has a particular goal or a particular thing that it teaches you. So rather than going through each step and revealing the secrets that Jim and Ricky should be paid for, cuz they do such a good job and this is their life.
What I’m gonna do is just break down everything into different steps. So back to my ugly face. As I said the course, the 60 steps to a successful site, it’s designed to take anyone a beginner from knowing enough. Things about internet marketing, having no website at all to build the seed of a perfect or let’s say successful website, I should say, not a perfect and it’s gonna really help you to build on your success.
The course is split up into 60 steps, as you can imagine. And all you have to do is go through each step and that will. Push your website towards building that full-time income, which you can do with this course within 24 months. And within the course, I’ve actually gone through and encountered it.
You get over eight hours of video content, but you also get a lot of additional sort of written text content. Not only for how to write the actual posts, but templates for things like privacy terms and conditions and those kinds of pages. Also, you get templates for how to design different parts of your website page.
So you get everything you need and it’s packed full of information. But remember, this is just one of 16 courses within Project 24 at the moment. So this, although. On its own, it would be worth the money that you pay for the entire course. This is worth it. And it’s just a small part of the whole course that you’re gonna get.
So this is why yeah, I’m just, I don’t know why P more people haven’t bought this, basically. I’m gonna talk about that before. I will actually give you the layout of the course, as much as I’m able, I’m gonna talk about a few questions. You might. About the course and whether or not it’s worth it and whether or not it’s a good fit for you.
So let’s just talk about a couple of questions and then we’re gonna move on and talk about the layout of the actual 60 step course. Okay. So the major question I suppose, is how easy is it to follow? Do you need to be a big techno geek? A little bit, like I am. Or can anyone do it? The thing is the way that Jim and Ricky have laid out, the course is really simple to follow.
And if you are a total beginner you never ever owned a website before you don’t know anything. About SEO, if you don’t know anything about WordPress or anything like that, then this course will really help you. The. Steps will help you set up your website or take you through each of the different stages of doing that. Even on the Project 24 website for Project 24 members, there’s a glossary that’s been created that will explain all the jargon.
There is a little bit of jargon, but it’s, everything’s there to help support you. So if you are a bit worried and you are interested in trying to build a business online, but you have no idea how to do it. This really is a course for you because it will help a beginner. And teach you everything you need to know, but also if you are a more advanced user I came to Project 24 knowing quite a lot about websites and not everything, but quite a lot.
And even for me, I found it very informative. I. And I would recommend, even if you are an expert, almost still go through the 60 steps, don’t skip anything because there’s really useful information in that. The other thing is that a lot of people wanna make money online. Bloggings a really good way to do that, but you’re not really a writer.
Many of us after we leave high school, we don’t write any more than an email. And so writing blog posts of 1500 words or more is quite a challenge, but don’t worry about that because the way that the post recipe, which is The most important thing to learn from this process and the post recipe tells you exactly what to write, where in a post and how to format it and the best way to, to target.
So inquiries, all those kinds of things are within. The Project 24. And it’s things like the post recipe that make this an ideal course for non writers. So if you’re not very comfortable writing you, haven’t done a lot of it, then this will help you because it’s gonna walk you through exactly what you need to do.
It’s not just gonna tell you, write a post. It shows you exactly what to do. And I think that’s a real bonus for the course. Another thing to consider, I think, is, does this work for non-natives? Although many of the members. Project 24 are native speakers. Not all of them are. So the thing to remember is that there’s a lot of video content, which is great because it’s really helpful to learn things.
But the videos for this course and other courses in Project 24 are largely hosted on Vimeo and they do not have subtitles. There’s no captions or anything like that. So if you’re English. Basically, if you can understand what I’m saying right now, you can follow the course. Okay. If you are struggling, if you need subtitles to understand what I’m saying, you may struggle a little bit because I would say 80% of what’s in the 60 steps.
That particular course is video based. So you’re gonna really struggle if your English isn’t that great, but if you’re able to follow what the guys say on their YouTube video, if you’re following what I’m saying, you’ve got no problem. This will help you. You’ll be able to learn. You may have to read your post a couple times, but I’m sure that you can do this, even if English isn’t your first language.
So the other question really is how long is it gonna take you to do each of the steps? So there are 60 steps in this course. Is it gonna take you a long time or not? I would say that if you followed one step a day, you could easily do this in 60 days. So none of the actual individual steps have any video content mats longer than 30 minutes.
I think there’s one, but that was after. A long slog of writing about 20 posts. You get a nice long video just to take a breather and explain a few other things that are less intensive, but mostly nothing’s longer than 30 minutes. Many things you could do in about five minutes. So it’s not gonna take you a long time to do most of the 60 steps.
Obviously the longest thing is going to be the. If you’re writing a shorter post, it could take you a couple hours to write a longer post. It could take you most of the day. But of course, that depends on how quickly you write. Personally, I’m fairly quick at writing, I think. So I was able to. To write all different kinds of posts within the parameters that Jim and Ricky set out, but many other members of Project 24, they do it much more slowly.
But that’s not just because they write more slowly it’s because they have other commitments. I would say you could easily do each step a day. If you had four to say four to six hours a day, No problem. You could do this in 60 days. If you had an hour a day, it might take you an extra couple weeks, but if you are dedicated, certainly it’s not gonna take you a long time each day.
It really depends on how well organized you are and how diligent you are to follow the course. So the main question is, is it worth the money? We both know that if we go over to the income school, YouTube channel, we get a lot of information for free. That’s why we like Jim and Ricky, cuz. Really do give a lot of information that a lot of the other gurus don’t, they don’t hide things.
So why would you pay all this money if you’re getting all that free advice? It boils down to one thing, in my opinion, and that’s search analysis now, although Jim and Ricky do reveal a lot of information and they give you little hints about how they conduct search analysis, they don’t tell you everything.
And this information is reserved for projects. For members, it’s actually in step eight of the 60 steps. And also there’s an accompanying another course, which is connected to called the no nonsense SEO course. And with those two courses, the step eight, and course you get all the information you need and they give you real examples about search analysis and tell you exactly how to do it.
And without a good search. Your website will not in all likelihood be successful. So for this one thing, it’s worth buying Project 24. If we talk about it in other ways, the other thing is that the way that Project 24 is structured, it really keeps you focused. It keeps you motivated. And on each of the steps, there’s a little button that.
You have to hit the mark completely. And it’s really powerful. I can remember going through the course myself. And when I get to hit that sort of button, I dunno, it gives you that kind of dopamine hit and you feel good about what you’ve done. You feel like you are making progress in your plans for your life.
And that is very different to my experience of the previous five years before buying Project 24. Where I was trying to figure out everything from little little bits of information here and there. I didn’t really know what to do. First, I waste time and energy doing the wrong things because people were telling me the wrong information because they just wanted to.
An affiliate commission from me and yeah. So I really find that Project 24 is the way it’s structured. It’s really gonna motivate you. And again, for that reason, I think it’s worth the money. The other thing is the price. Okay. It’s $449 at the time we’re recording. That’s a lot. I heard somewhere that the average American if they have a crisis that costs them about $500, they don’t have enough money in the bank to cover it.
And I can tell you in my bank, in Taiwan, I don’t have a lot of money to cover those kinds of things. Expensive. But I went for the course because it was an investment. Now, if you break it down over 12 months, that would cost you about $40 a month. It’s not a lot of money. That’s the equivalent of going, joining a gym, gym membership is probably about 40 bucks a month.
What. If you got 20 cases of beer, that’s your project, 24 memberships. If you fill up your car with a tank of fuel 11 times, that’s your project, 24 membership. If you got yourself 125 big max, if you ate for the McDonald’s fight 125 days, that is your project. 24 membership. If you break it down, it’s not.
That it’s that upfront fee and people are nervous about it. Am I gonna get the money? Get my money’s worth out of it. Am I going to get scammed? Now I am. On the other side of that payment page, I’m telling you it’s worth it. It really is. So if you can get that money, if you can go sell something that you don’t use anymore, if you can maybe pick up a part-time job, if that’s possible.
If you could borrow the money from a friend, it’s not the best thing to do, but if you could invest that you could definitely pay back whoever you got a loan from within, let’s say 12 months to two years, you’d definitely get that money back to them and you’d get a lot of Mo more money into your pocket as well.
So it’s all about what you think about. Is it something you’re buying or is it an investment in yourself? So that is my run over. Those are the questions that I had before joining. So I just wanted to give you my point of view now that I’m six months down the road. So how about Project 24? How about the 60 steps to a successful website?
How, what do you actually get in that course? So let’s talk about. So I’m not allowed to reveal too much because I don’t own it, it’s not my, it’s not my property. I don’t own the rights to show you this. So I can only give you an outline of what you’re gonna see. So I’m not going to give you a step by step overview of what you’re gonna get, but I will tell you the main things that you will get in this course, because I think it’s really useful and it’s best to know what you’re gonna get.
So let’s talk about that. Okay. So the 60 steps is to take you from having no website to having a website, which has 30 articles on it, and also has a YouTube channel that’s connected to it, to promote it. Which should have 10 videos on it. So that’s the aim of the 60 steps. And what you are given is a step by step guide of how to do that, and then what order to do that and what things to include.
That’s why this course is so good. So the first couple steps from step one to step six, it just walks you through how to set up a website. How to buy a domain, how to get hosting, how to set up the basic settings of a WordPress website. So if you’ve never done anything like that, if you’ve never got hosting for websites, if you’ve never bought a domain, never worked with.
WordPress, the first six steps are really good. And they’re gonna walk you through everything, even if you’ve done this before, it’s worth looking at it. And just picking up a few of those little tips you might have lost or missed out on, I should say. So step seven to eight are the most important I would say, because this is where you learn about search analysis and how to create your hit.
The hit list is a list of the articles you’re gonna write. And it’s really important to plan this well in advance of writing. And for me, these two steps on their own are worth the money because they’re so insightful. And for me personally, I’ve never thought about it in that way before. So this, you should spend a lot of time.
And I even go back and look at it occasionally just to remind myself of what I should be doing. So once you’ve gone through the stages of setting up your website and learning how to create a really good hit list, that’s gonna bring you traffic the next kind of step nine to 30. Seven is really writing.
So it’s not that you’re just told, you’re shown exactly what to write. You’re introduced to what’s known as the post mix, which is different types of posts for different types of query and different levels of competition. You’re also given a full insight into what is known as the post recipe.
This tells you exactly what to write in your post, where to put it, how to. It and it works. It really does work. You’re gonna win a lot of snippets. You’re gonna win a lot of top place ranking by using this method. And then after that, you’re going to write 10 response posts and 10 of the staple posts.
And after that within those steps as well, you’re also given some key information. Other kinds of pages that you need to include on your website, both for legal reasons and for SEO reasons and also to monetize it later on. So these steps are really useful, but it’s difficult because there’s a lot of writing and it’s a steep learning curve.
So just take your time through these steps and I’m sure you’d be fine. It’s step 38 too. Three. This is really where we go to try to promote our sites early on. So the best way to do this is through YouTube. So you set up a YouTube channel and you are told exactly which type of videos to create and you know what to do and in what order.
But since they started Project 24, the boys have also. Another course, which is all about YouTube and actually how to build a YouTube channel separately. So you should also watch that for these stages. Cause it’ll give you a lot of tips, although they’re slightly different directions. And also the guys are planning to update that YouTube course the independent YouTube course.
So there’s gonna be a lot more support than if you were looking at this for about a year. so step 44 to 53, that takes you through how to write pillar posts. And again, you’re getting a lot of video content here, a lot of support, a lot of direction, but you do need to do a lot of writing. So often you are just told, okay, this is another one you need to write, and you’re given the motivation to go and do that.
Again, it’s really useful and. Think you would be able to do this on your own because trying to write those long posts is really hard to keep motivated, to do 10 of them in a row, but the course really supports us doing that. So that’s why it’s so useful. So the last six steps of the 60 steps course is about promoting your site and just getting it.
To monetize it with affiliates. At this stage we don’t really put ads on the website. This we’ve been trying to do, we’ve been, we were told this maybe a year ago that we should do this, but now the advice is slowly changing and we’re putting off ads until later on until we get more page reviews, but that’s the 60 step in a nutshell.
That’s what you do. And that’s what you’re gonna get at the end of it. You’re gonna. 30 posts, 10 YouTube videos. You’re also going to be promoting it through other social media and you’re gonna have it ready with affiliate links so that you can start making a little bit of income in the first six to 12 months.
Okay. I’m a massive fan of Jim and Ricky. And I think what they’re doing is really. But I just have one small criticism of the 60 steps, something that I would do differently. So I said that, I think that search analysis is the most important thing. The way that they place it in the 60 steps is they put it at step eight.
So after you’ve created your website, after you’ve chosen your niche, I think that you should search. Before you ever buy a domain name before you decide definitively on your niche, you should do a lot of background research into it. You should look into the market. That way you’re not gonna spend all this time and effort choosing a niche only to find its step.
Actually, I don’t know anything about it. I’m not that interested in it and I dunno how to approach it. So I would say. If you go on and buy Project 24 today, make sure that you look at step eight first, then go back and go through all the 60 steps. Again, if you’re interested in buying Project 24 today, then if you want to use my link, I would really appreciate that.
And. You can contact me on the other side in the community and we can talk about your ideas and I’m there to help. I always like giving people my 2 cents. So if you’re interested in that, just check out the description and the link below in the description. Okay. So that’s the thing I would change.
I would definitely focus more on search. Even before you choose a niche, I think it’s really important. Okay. So before I get onto the exciting news that I’m gonna share with you from inside Project 24, about the 60 steps, let’s talk about some other reasons that you would buy Project 24, apart from this course, the 60 steps to a successful website.
So the main thing is that. Always being updated. This is not one of those courses where you buy it. And it’s something that the creator created, seven years ago and he hasn’t updated. It hasn’t changed. Whereas the industry has moved on. No. This is updated almost on a weekly basis. And this is the amazing thing that not only do we get additional courses, so since I’ve joined, there’s been at least four or five extra mini courses that have been added.
So that means that what you are paying for today, you get all that extra stuff without any more money. I think that’s amazing. And the other thing is that they don’t. Give you more information, they give you more information on the things that you need to know. So one of the recent new arrivals in Project 24 was a course on E a T.
So that is all to do with the new kind of move that Google’s taking. Towards awarding the top ranking positions in the sea to experts or people with authority on the topic that we’re talking about. So this is crucial and that course is a 30 step course that will take you through everything you need to do to establish eating.
And that’s amazing cuz you’re not gonna get that with other Gus and other courses. The other thing is. On a weekly basis, we get a new podcast and this is exclusively for Project 24 members. So each week we get to listen to project 24. So that’s either Jim Rickey, Fred and Nathan.
Who’s our guy on the inside who helps us out every day. And they talk about what’s happening in their business at the moment, things that we should be aware of, they answer our questions and it’s really interactive. And it happens on Tuesday and I love it. I tune in every single Tuesday and I’m really happy with what I get and talking about that.
The thing is if you get into project 20. You’re gonna be closer to Jim and Ricky. And those are the people that we want to be asking questions to and discussing our problems with. And the way that you get more direct contact is through the community. So this is a type of forum that is hosted within Project 24, where if you have any problems, any questions, you can make a topic and you get an almost instantaneous response from someone in the community.
Now that might be a fellow project, 24 members, or that could even be Jim and Ricky themselves. And to be honest, if you get Jim and Ricky responding to you, which does happen quite a lot, it’s a nice feeling. And it’s, I don’t know, maybe this is fanboy talk, but it’s a direct connection to them and you’ve.
Feel you’re getting the answers that you need directly from the horse’s mouth. And I think you can’t really put a price on that. Apparently you can, it’s $449, but it’s really useful. And just that contact with the creators of the course. You’re not gonna get that on YouTube and not only do you.
Instant answers to all of the questions and technical issues you’re having with your website or opinions about the logo to go with or the PostIt that you should write. You also get the motivation, other people who are succeeding, doing exactly the same thing as you are doing. But just a few months down the line, and that is really powerful.
You’re not alone. You are not in this sort of weird internet marketer vacuum where you don’t know anyone else you’re, you are being very jealous with your information and you’re not getting any sort of real day to day update and what’s happening in the industry. No, you are being motivated each day.
You get inspiration from other members and you’re getting the help that you need. And that’s really power. And one more thing. I think that really makes the Project 24 membership beneficial to any internet marketer today is the accountability because you are surrounded by all these people, whether or not it’s virtually or in real life, you have accountability.
You can’t give up. You can’t say, oh, I don’t want to. Because you are seeing other people succeed, you are signed up to something we’re all in it together, and we’re all trying to change our lives. And we’re trying to get that full-time income from the internet and you are a part of it. And because you’re a part of it, you’re gonna work harder than you will if you’re doing it on your own.
So that feeling of accountability for me personally, is very powerful. So these are my reasons for buying Project 24 and in particular, Why I think the 60 steps to a successful website, this course is so useful. So if you’ve enjoyed the video, don’t forget to subscribe. And if you’ve got any questions about it, if there’s something I haven’t covered, please leave me a comment.
Especially if you are one of my sub. Subscribers. I really would like to hear from you. So you’ve stuck around this long, so I want to share this exciting news that we’ve just heard about in Project 24. So it’s all about the 60 steps and what is happening right now is with the help of Nathan, who is our sort of Project 24, me manager.
who helps us out day to day, making sure we get everything that we need. Now, he’s gone ahead and he’s worked with Jim and Ricky and they’re updating the 60 steps. Now what they’ve got in the 60 steps of the moment does work and it’s helpful, but there’s a few new things that Jim and Ricky have learned in the last year.
So what they’re doing right now is that they’re gonna update the 60. And it’s gonna reflect exactly what we need to do now. In response to the new algorithm updates from Google things like E a T and also the recent Bert update. So it’s really gonna help us out. And I dunno, that’s really exciting for me.
So even though I’m already six months down the line, I’ve. A couple websites. I’m gonna go back as soon as they update it and go through those 60 steps again, to make sure I’m doing everything I can possibly do to make my websites a success. So I find that exciting. I hope you find that exciting.
And if you are not a Project 24 member, yet you should be. So if you want to use my link, I really would appreciate that. You’d make my day and it’s down in the description. So hopefully you’ve enjoyed this video and you’re gonna join me next week for another one. So see you then.