Youtube video transcript
Hello, YouTube and a very special hello to all my subscribers, my name’s Phil. And today I just wanna give you a bit of an update on my main project, 24 websites, and also two other sites that I’ve set up in the last three months. So stick around for all the numbers and to see how I’m doing. So if you haven’t seen this channel before, it’s all about documenting my progress as a real Project 24 member.
And I just try and share all. Successes failures and what’s happening and what it’s like to try and build a a business on online and internet marketing business and mainly through websites and YouTube. If that’s something that you are interested in learning a little bit more about, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and also give me a cuz that really helps me.
And yeah. So I really appreciate that. Okay. So let’s get into the numbers and talk about that now. So we’re jumping to the computer and we can see those. Okay. As I mentioned before I’m following the Project 24 method, which was set up by Jim Harmer and Ricky Kesler overat
I really recommend you check that out. If you’re not a member yet, and you’d like to sign up today, then please, if you’d like to use my affiliate link, which is in the description really helps me out. And yeah, of course I really appreciate this support. It really helps drive me and produce stuff on this channel.
Okay. So let’s get into just some sort of facts and figures. I have currently got three project, 24 star websites up. So the main one I started back in May. So the 22nd of May, 2019. And it’s got 70 articles on it, which is a lot less than I was hoping for. I have to admit that in the last two months I wouldn’t call it a burnout, but I’ve certainly lost momentum.
And a couple weeks ago I lost all of my data, my Excel file with my hit list. Got corrupted. I was using my wife’s computer and that kind of knocked me for six and just recovered. And in fact losing the hit list was really helpful because I went back through the search analysis process and I think it really helps to go back and review that and really consider.
What articles you’ve written and are working and what articles you should write because, what works, so doubling down is the terminology. So I’ve got 70 articles on that, but I will be hitting that pretty hard for the rest of the 2020. I can’t really only monetize with Amazon.
I’ve not to date found any other a. Programs that I’ve put on the website and I haven’t got any info about products and I don’t use ads. At the moment I could only really use the Google ads and to be honest I’m not sure if it’s worth it at my stage. I think they’re just, they don’t look great.
And they don’t really bring in any. I have another non-Project 24 website and I’ve had Google ads on that for about three months and I’ve earned 50 cents. It’s not for me. It’s not worth it. I’m gonna hold out until I can get onto a slightly better ads network and, or with an ads broker and do it then.
So that’s site one and site two, which was launched around the 8th of November. That’s when the first article went. And that’s on the wedding niche. And I explained if you’ve seen any of my other videos that I got married officially last year in June, and we’re getting married again or we’re having a family wedding this April.
So it made sense. We were talking about weddings. Actually today is the one year anniversary of my proposal to my wife, which I did on ice. Under the Northern lights, very cheesy, but romantic, so that’s why I’ve got a wedding niche website. So that’s got 24 articles on it.
It’s also monetized with Amazon, a couple links here and there. And again, no ads and then site three, which is in a diff different niche. I started it on the 31st of October. So a little bit before the wedding niche. It only got 21 articles and also monetized with Amazon and no ads. So site two and site three are the two sites that I’m outsourcing.
So I spoke about how I’ve hired some writers. I hired them from Facebook. If you are interested in watching that video I will put a link into the description and maybe one of those cards. You can check that out to be. Site two site, three of growing a lot more slowly than I was anticipating.
For example, my first 30 articles for its 60 steps from Project 24 on the main site, those first 30 articles. I got them up in just under two months. But for site two and site three here it’s taking a lot longer just because I’m outsourcing it. I have a lot to do.
And also just training up the writers, but I’ve got a couple good writers now and they’re really knocking it out. So I’ve got at least six or seven articles just waiting to up on these two websites combined that I need to edit and just double check. They haven’t plagiarized anything. So yeah, it’s not so bad.
It’s not as quick as I wanted, but it’s slowly grown, so let’s have a look at a couple numbers. So if we go and have a look at no, you are here for the money. You want to know how much I earned. So let’s check Amazon. So as you can see here this is for the last 30 days and it’s actually for all of the different sites, but the wedding niche website and the other site three they haven’t actually made any money.
So this is actually all from the site. So I’ve made some sales, not a lot. It’s not enough for a second piece a day, but it’s so $3 and 92 cents and that’s six different orders which accounts for 56 clicks, six orders, which is giving me a conversion rate of 10 point 17%. And so I’ve made Amazon $64 and 47 cents and I’ve got.
What about 4%? So $3 and 92 cents there. Okay. It’s not gonna break the bank. It’s not gonna change my life, but it’s proving this, the theory is working. So I just wanna make it very clear that for all the sites, especially site one, I have not been promoting this at all. There’s been no promotion of the site other than just putting content onto Google.
I do have a Cora account, where I go and answer questions, which doesn’t really bring in any traffic, but so I’m not promoting this. It’s purely just putting content on websites. And then including links. So text links go for Amazon products and of those six items that I’ve sold in the last 30.
Two of them. So 33.3, 3 3 3, 3, present. They’re connected to the niche. I feel that’s on point. I think it’s working fairly well. Obviously if I have more traffic, hopefully this is going to go up. If we look at the actual numbers for site one, so as you can see, we’re looking at the month of January.
And we started off the month with page views, all page views, a hundred twenty six, eighty six of those which were organic. And that’s gone up to 332 at the end of the month of which 252 were organic. So that gives me all users direct social, all that kind of. 1,159, but actually organic traffic, 896.
I only really worry too much about organic traffic for some reason. So I’m waiting to hit that thousand organic traffic users thousand page views a month. That is my target. I think that’s gonna probably happen next month if things carry on. So there you are. So if we talk about things like unique page views, there’s not too much of a difference.
So organic wise 896 page views in total 828 of those unique page views. I suppose that means people that are coming for the first time, not necessarily going on to another page and we’ve got organic traffic. The time on page is five minutes and 42 on average, which is pretty good.
I think that must mean that what I’m writing is engaging, and you can see the bounce rate here, 85.9, 3% organic traffic and the exit rate of 80.92%. Now if you watch my last video when I was explaining my traffic I went for a period. Losing 50% of my traffic over about a two month period.
And, I was pulling my hair out. I didn’t know what was happening. If we just have a look this makes me smile a little bit. So if we look from November the first to the end of January, you can see how we had a little bit of growth coming through to the middle of November, and then it seemed to just drop.
So we went from 192 organic. Page views there too, it went down to about 84, 86. So I was really worried, but as you can see now at the end of January, it’s gone up to 252. So that must have been a period of seasonality or perhaps it was oh, I dunno. Something to do with an algorithm update. I’m just happy.
It’s going back up. Let’s hope it carries on that one. So yeah, just, you can see just a bit of how it’s changed since November. So if I go back and just have a look at last month, January so if I just look at my notes the biggest issue I’ve got at the moment is that there seems to be one particular post that’s just taken off in the last sort.
in 30 days it’s got 120 views. Whereas the next highest one is maybe 20 page views. So like a hundred more page views. That’s crazy. So that’s bringing it in about 30% of the traffic. Now. I don’t know what’s happened there and it’s a little bit worrying. It is one of my earlier posts, so perhaps it’s just finally ranking a little bit.
So I’m hoping that some of the content that I wrote back in September is going to slowly catch up with it because if that continues having one post almost propping up the whole site at 34% organic traffic, that’s not something I really want. So that’s the major concern I’ve got. But apart from that I think the site’s doing quite well.
So I started it back in May and we’re now looking at the beginning of February, so yeah we’re right along the period where it should be starting to take off. Okay. That is the main site, I think that’s everything I’ve got to talk about. Yeah. So let’s talk about site two now.
So this is site two. If you remember, I’ve got about 24 posts. They’ve been going up fairly slowly. Overall I think the wedding niche is very competitive and I’m gonna have to reevaluate this perhaps, and we might need to narrow it down, but I’m gonna give it a bit of time for the first batch of articles to start ranking.
So you can see not a lot’s happening here. To be honest, most of this is direct traffic, so that’s Google sort of testing the. but of the 200 users I’ve had since October the 30, 31st so 28 of those page views were organic. Yeah. But they seem to begin on average, quite a long average time on page six minutes, 51.
To be honest, this could be a lot of just my writers checking them. What I’ve done, what I’ve done to change. Like I’ve read, they give me the articles and I edit them and put them on the website. So not a lot is happening here. Although I do have 24 articles, I’ve got three articles that are actually bringing in traffic.
So organic page views. So something is happening, but it’s happening slowly, but I do feel this one is very competi. And I may have to put a bit more effort into, trying to build a bit of a niche within the niche here. But if we compare this to site three I’m much more confident about site three just in the early days.
So the period we’re talking about this, I put up, so site three I began in on the 31st of. So 21 of those posts are six articles that are actually bringing in traffic, which is cool. So I’ve had 372 users in that period, 164 of which have been organic page views. I’m getting a three minute and 29 average time on page.
So I feel this is more likely to be real people, not just like my writers, checking all their mistakes and things. So this one is, I feel initially it’s doing quite well. I looked through it earlier today and at least one of the posts has already got the snippet. Perhaps I’ve stumbled onto something.
So yeah, I think site three is gonna be, is gonna be a little bit better than site three. So I just don’t know. That’s just my intuition at this. . Okay. So yeah, those are the sites. I just wanted to talk about Amazon. So as you can see I’ve got this big important notice at the top here because I haven’t put any of my payment details in.
So the issue I have is I live in Taiwan and I’m trying to figure out how I should get Amazon to pay me. So they can pay you either in or they can pay you by check or they can do a direct deposit into your bank account. So I’ve got a pioneer account, which I’m sure I can use, but I’m just wondering what do you guys do?
How do you get paid by Amazon? Do you prefer a check? Do you prefer a direct PO deposit? And especially if you’re not living in the. How do you like to get paid? If you have any tips for me please leave me a comment. Just let me know how you’re getting paid. Really help me out. I’m just interested in what people do and the best way for me to do it, seeing that I live outside the states.
Okay. Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel. Give me and if you found this interesting and I will see you next time. Thanks very much and see you again.