Youtube video transcript
Hello, YouTube and a very special hello to my subscribers, my name’s Phil. And today we’re gonna be talking about blogging and whether or not this is actually a viable route to go down in 2020. So don’t go anywhere if you’re watching this channel for the first time, it’s all about my journey as a Project 24 member.
So that is the cool set was set up by income school. So that’s Jim. And Ricky Kessler, and it basically teaches you how to set up a website, a YouTube channel, and to generate a passive. Online. So if that’s something that you are interested in, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and also give me a if you think I’ve earned it from you, the question we’re talking about today is whether or not in 2020 blogging is still a viable route to go down, to build a business online.
And the reason I’m talking about this is because Income School are actually selling their. Niche websites right now. So they set up the page, which is at income sale. And they’ve put up all of their sites there for sale. And as soon as you see that. You, it you’re the alarm bells go off.
Why exactly are they selling their sites? Does that mean that they know something that we don’t? Should we be a little bit worried for what the fact that they’re selling all their sites what’s happening? Let’s talk about that. So first of all, let’s just talk about the sites that they’re selling.
So they are selling camper They are. Outdoor They are selling dirt bike, They are selling and Bo and they are selling seven year and drill So these are all the niche sites that they’ve been working on. Now if you are not in Project 24 and you just watch the Income School channel some of these names might be new to you.
You haven’t heard about them before because they’ve been keeping at least two or three of these secret. They’ve only shared them with Project 24 members. So you are only just finding out about the websites and they’re being sold. Which is great if you’ve got money to buy them, but most of us don’t have that money sitting around.
So if we look at all of the sites, they are generating around 353,000 page views altogether. and that’s bringing in Jim and Ricky around 13,000 dollars per month. Now, just remember that two of those sites, so drill and seven year They’re not even monetized. So this is on the other four sites bringing in around $13,000 a month, which is not too bad.
Why exactly are they selling them? Even in Project 24 people. They were saying the sky’s falling. We need to pay attention because obviously this means blogging is dead. It’s done. But I’m, I don’t think so. I don’t think they’re doing this. First of all, selling the sites, this is a great PR stunt.
I think it’s it’s certainly gonna bring attention. The main reason that they’re actually selling the sites is so they can focus. If you’ve been following Jim and Ricky for a while, you know that they want to keep their finger on the pulse, they don’t want to Be giving advice that are not following themselves.
And this is at the heart of selling these sites. So these are the main reasons why I think Jim and Ricki are selling their sites. First of all, they like to test new theories and to test what’s working and what’s not working right now. So one of the theories they were working through was. If you produced a lot of content in a short amount of time, what would that do for your rankings?
This is what they did with project Rexburg, which was a basically a writing content mill that they created themselves over in Rexburg, Idaho. And they were basically pumping out a lot of. Content and they actually found, this is not the best way to do it. So they closed down that although they did build up sites like Amora pets like that.
And to a certain extent outdoor troop also was built up through this. To be honest, I think it was most of the other websites apart from drill warrior, which I think they outsourced completely to an external content mill. The other reason I think they’re selling all their sites is because they have so many websites to deal with.
They’re, they’ve got at least six niche sites that we know of in Project 24. They’ve also got Income School, which takes a lot of their time and they’re trying to test other things as well as YouTube channels as well. So they’ve just got so much happening and I can really relate to that because personally I’ve got.
Three Project 24 style websites. I’m trying to work on at the moment YouTube channels this YouTube channel. And I have another YouTube channel, which I’m launching with a colleague which is going to down more of the professional path that I’m following as a teacher. So I can really understand having so many of these projects and things diverting your attention and you’re splitting it between more than one task.
It’s not really the best way to go forward so I could understand how they want to sell. The success stories and start back down in the trenches to really test what’s happening. I think another reason is they just wanna keep things fresh. Jim mentioned in one of the podcasts in Project 24, that they an interview with an internet marketer who.
Was talking about how they do things, their success. And they were referring to a website that they built five years ago. And Jim asked him basically, what are you doing right now? Have you built a new website recently or went, oh no, I haven’t done anything in the last five years.
Apart from that site. And, you don’t really want to listen to people like that. A lot of the Gus now they’re talking about things that were happening 10 years ago, and it’s very different. When you’ve got a lot of success and people know who you are, it’s very easy to build up a new website compared to someone like me.
Nobody knows me. And it’s a bit of a struggle when you first stop. So if, as a a teacher, as a GU, if you don’t appreciate that, if you’re not doing it a again and again, in the same shoes as the people you’re trying to help. Yeah. I just don’t think that’s very genuine. So my predictions for what Jim and Ricky are gonna do.
I do believe that they’re gonna carry on creating blogs. But I think they’re gonna focus on this sort of difference between Y L with and without eat. So I think they’re probably going to go back and do something very similar to seven year, where they had a. Medical kind of topics with Y M Y.
So I really think they’re going to go back to that and test it again because they had an issue which was it was taking so long for them to rank. Then they finally released. The name of the domain to their YouTube channel. And Jim said after that, it just, it took off. So they’re wondering, was that a natural thing with the Google algorithm?
Did it just take a little bit longer because of the niche they were writing in or was it because they had a lot of people suddenly going to those pages and Google said, Hey, okay, something’s happening here. We should start ranking them. So I think they’re gonna go back and do another Y M Y L and really.
Play around with the EAT trying to establish that they are experts. They have authority and they have trustworthiness in that. But I also think they’re gonna test the other way. Doing a YM yr without establishing eat. And it wouldn’t surprise me if they went down the root of finance because they’ve never done anything like that.
To my knowledge, they’ve always stayed in the hobby niche, those directions. So I think that’s what they’re gonna be testing for Project 24 members. To see what can be done. So I just wanna turn now to talk about the biggest challenges that we all face in blogging in 2020. So the first one is to do with your money, your life.
So these kind of Y M Y L niches are things anything connected to medical health, those critical questions that you are Googling like. Am I having a heart attack and anything to do with finance or large investments the kind of queries where you might actually lose a lot of money if you get the wrong information?
So the issue here is that these are very popular niches, especially when it comes to paid advertising. So things like diets and. Making money online and investing in the stock market. These were big money sources income sources for a lot of people for affiliate marketing. So I think this is something that’s really going to affect the blogging community and because a lot of people have put a lot of time and effort into that and suddenly they’re gonna see their their.
The organic Google traffic just dropped off the face of a cliff. So I think that’s gonna be something really important to consider when you are choosing your niche. But that goes in hand with the next thing, which is E a T or eat. So this is establishing with Google that you are an expert in your field to some.
This doesn’t mean you have to have a degree or anything. It just means that you do what you’re writing about. And you actually know what you’re talking about. It’s not someone who has never sailed a boat and is telling you exactly how to do it, basically scraping that information from the web.
The other thing is that it’s hand in hand with being an expert if you are an authority on that. And then you’re trustworthy as if you are not going to. Scam people you’re not going to be giving false information. This is a real issue for people, a bit like me establishing eat, because it’s hard when you start writing about a niche and, with my main Project 24 niche, I am actually doing the activity that I’m writing about.
I’m learning as I go, but it’s hard when you’re at that stage. How do you establish that you are. You’re an expert in it. When you don’t feel like an expert when you have this imposter syndrome, basically. If you’re a member of Project 24, that’s absolutely fine because you’ve got the entire course on how to do that, but it still takes a bit of work.
And you still need to think about making contact within your industry and just putting your name out there. And of course there are some really easy ways to do that and building things like a YouTube channel. Or maybe doing some guest posts. Those are really simple ways of establishing EAT.
So I think this is gonna be something that is gonna separate a lot of bloggers because you’ll get that 1% of people that will put the effort in and see the success. And then 99% of people will not want to go the extra mile. Or a lot more people won’t even know about it. They won’t know that’s happening because they’ve simply not got their finger on the pulse.
Another very important thing I think is gonna be for 2020 is Google snippets. So optimizing your post for the snippets, that this is a big part of what we do in Project 24. And Jim and Ricky teach us about this a lot. But I’ve just read today that the Google snippets have changed. So before, when you got the Google snippet, so position zero, you could also rank it position 1, 2, 3, or wherever in the top 10, but that’s changed.
Instead of being able to rank twice on the same page. If you win the snippet, you will be ranked top of page two. So you will have position zero on the first page and then position one on the second page. Now this has been done apparently to clear up, tidy up the the surp. But the question is how’s that gonna affect us?
Does that mean that we are going to get lower clickthrough the snippet normally has the answer to the question that they’re asking about. So perhaps it means that you’re gonna have to change your approach to snippets and maybe make them a little bit more enticing, have a bit more intrigued.
Some people want to click onto your page. So that could be a bit of a challenge. And one of the biggest things that we’re talking about at the moment in Project 24 is how transactional. Your poster, how much of a commodity your blog is? So what we mean by that is, are people just gonna come to your page and then never come back again?
How can you build some sort of relationship with the the user? How can you turn yourself into something that they actually know about and they want to come. Read more of your content, take a, take one of your courses, buy one of your products. For example, the, some of the ways to build a brand like this are simply to give them better information, maybe even create video content on the same ideas as your blogs, just to make you stand out a little bit more from the average blogger, but this is gonna be something very important, especially if you want to monetize your blog more than just using.
So when this story broke last week when they launched the video and they said that they were selling all their sites immediately, there was a massive buzz in the community in Project 24. And there were a few sort of pessimistic people who were saying basically, Project 24. It’s going to go from blogging to YouTube.
Now, this is true to a certain extent. Certainly when I started about seven months ago, it was purely about blogging and very quickly after that Jim and Ricky released a complete course on how to create a YouTube channel. They’re actually gonna update that and it’s gonna come out. In February, the Project 24 is getting a massive facelift or.
Is that the right word overhaul basically is going to get a lot better. So they’re gonna release Project 24, 3 0.0, and it’s gonna be so much better and a lot more information. So is YouTube better than blogging? That’s a good question. To be honest the main issue that people have with blogging is that if you are doing it organically and you are trying to build that organic traffic.
It takes a long time. It can take eight months to a year. That’s a long time when you are working away every single day and not really seeing any success. Most people give up after a couple months. That ghost town phase, it exists with YouTube as well. You have to create a lot of content for YouTube and it still takes you a long time to hit those 4,000 watch hours and a thousand subscribers.
Until you get to that point, you. Monetize with ads. Of course. Before that period, you can definitely monetize your YouTube channel in different ways, it’s a long ghost town phase. And I think, blogging in YouTube. They’re exactly the same in that respect. The only difference I would say with YouTube is that it’s definitely got more of that treadmill kind of fill.
It depends on your upload schedule, but on this YouTube channel, I only upload once a week, but even then it’s. It’s in the back of your mind all week long. Okay. I need to create that video. I need to make sure it’s out on time with blogging. Yes, it’s good to produce as much content as you can, as quickly as you can, just so it can rank more quickly, but it, if you miss that publishing date, it’s okay.
You can publish maybe a day or two later. Whereas I think with YouTube, it is quite important to publish on a regular schedule. And if you don’t, you may be hit with the algorithm. So I do feel that YouTube is a lot. Of a treadmill and to a certain extent, it’s not as passive as blogging. What do you think?
Do you disagree with me? This is just my personal view from doing both things. I think YouTube is not as passive, but the major benefit of YouTube is a lot less competitive than blogging. If you put in most queries into Google, you are going to have. High authority websites that are gonna rank at the top of the page.
And it’s, it can be quite difficult to beat them. But if you go to YouTube, the same queries you get channels with, no, no subscribers or, Basically these tiny little YouTube channels that are ranking for these very competitive well on Google, these very competitive sort of queries.
So I think in that respect, that YouTube is really great right now, and now is the time to get into it because it’s only going to become more competitive over time. So if you are one of those people that are in the Y M Y. I would go to YouTube because blogging is gonna be a little bit more difficult for you, but in general, YouTube is a good supporting sort of platform to any blog.
The biggest question I’ve been struggling with personally is. Is all this effort that you’re, I’m putting in right now, is it actually gonna pay off? And everyone’s always scared that they’re gonna miss the boat and that by the time they learn about something it’s already over, they’ve missed the hype.
I don’t think this is the case with blog him. There have definitely been some significant changes in blogging because of what Google are doing. And you definitely need to be aware. So I think the major shift is that blogging has to be done by a practitioner. So what I mean by that is if you’re writing in a niche, you need to be active in that niche.
You need to be doing that hobby, or you need to be that professional. If you’re writing about professional topic, if you are not, then I think you’re not really gonna have an advantage. This might sound pretty bad, but actually I see this as a positive thing, because if you are the sort of person that will go that extra mile and actually do what you’re writing about, you’re just gonna blow away the competition.
And it, it’s not that difficult to do. It just means, picking up a spade, if you’re a gardener or, actually renting a dirt bike, if you want to get into dirt, biking and write about it. It’s not that D. But a lot of people would just not do it. So what do you think blogging’s gonna die in 2020?
If you do, please write yes. In the comments. If you don’t please write. No. And if you have any questions, then I will get back to you. I’m really happy to share my journey and all the things that I’m learning in Project 24. So if you do have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me. Thanks for watching.
Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and hit the notification. And give me a because that’s gonna really help me out. And I do appreciate that if you are interested in Project 24, then you can check the link in the description. Do remember that this is an affiliate link. So if you choose to buy your Project 24 membership through my link, I do get that commission, which I would really appreciate because it really helps me out.
So thank you for watching and I will see you next week.