Do Project 24 Website Actually Get Traffic?

My YouTube Channel documents my journey building an online income and shows the growth of three site I’m building as well as a further YouTube channel.

I started Site One back in May 2019 and it’s been my main project. I’ve written most of the posts on it, of which there are 115 to date, myself.

Despite some set backs, it’s been growing steadily and I’m confident that it’ will reach enough traffic to bring in a decent income.

Site Two, which I started at the same time as Site Three in October 2019, was a rush job. On a whim I decided to recruit some local writers and was surprised with the interest I got.

So, I had to rush my search analysis and so have only managed to get 2 or 2 winning articles out of 34.

Site Three is a slightly different story. Although I started it at the same time as Site two, I managed to find a niche with a lot lower competition.

To date, Site Three is bringing in the most traffic and has the most potential for monetization.

So, If you are interested in finding out more about these three sites, please check out the updates which I posted on my YouTube channel, Passive Income Phil

Month Three

Month 4

First Affiliate sale

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Month 10

Month 11

Month 12

Site One year update

Month 13

Month 14

Month 15

Recent Posts